Four Words to Start a Rebellion

Episode 9: Accountability

Peter Tchoryk Season 1 Episode 9
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"Four Words to Start a Rebellion" is a multi-episode series available on the Scientific Rebel podcast and on the Scientific website.
 This is Episode 9, "Accountability." Rampant child sexual abuse in many of the most powerful churches in America is a national crisis, yet journalists are often stonewalled by church lawyers, lobbyists, and sympathizers. Not only that, the churches involved have been actively covering up these crimes -- all while condemning trans identities as the work of the devil. These churches must be held accountable. But if we turn a blind eye toward these abuses and continue to support the churches involved, we must also hold ourselves accountable. 
 This is Peter Tchoryk. Welcome, to the rebellion.
 Four Words to Start a Rebellion is the property of me and the Scientific Rebel team.

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