Four Words to Start a Rebellion
Are you exasperated that so many people seem to be sleepwalking as our country is being dragged back into the Dark Ages?
Are you facing persecution because of the color of your skin? Desire for bodily autonomy, gender identity, or sexual orientation? Or perhaps for a general nonconformance to a white, patriarchal Christian ethos?
Have you watched with growing alarm as our Constitution, rule of law, and individual liberties are methodically subverted and interpreted through the lens of medieval, tyrannical Christian dogma?
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual, but are ashamed to be associated with the unhinged actions of others making that claim?
If so, the Four Words to Start a Rebellion podcast series is for you.
Buckle in. Because you are about to embark on a journey to confront the greatest weapon ever unleashed by man. That weapon is, religion.
You heard me right. We are going to take on organized religion and all those who weaponize it. And we're going to hold them accountable. Accountable, because faith is not fact.
Scientific rebellion is not a campaign against religious beliefs or believers. To the contrary, those who identify as religious or spiritual are as essential to this rebellion as those who see themselves as agnostic, atheist, or humanist. The tie that binds us together as rebels, is critical thinking.
Are you ready?
This is Peter Tchoryk. Welcome, to the rebellion.
Four Words to Start a Rebellion
Episode 5: Morality from Religion? Nah.
"Four Words to Start a Rebellion" is a multi-episode series available on the Scientific Rebel podcast and on the Scientific Rebel.com website.
This is Episode 5, "Morality from Religion? Nah." In this episode, we challenge the notion that religion is responsible for morality. This is one of the myths that organized religions perpetuate to give the false notion that social order cannot exist without religious influence.
This is Peter Tchoryk. Welcome, to the rebellion.
Four Words to Start a Rebellion is the property of me and the Scientific Rebel team.
"Four Words to Start a Rebellion" is a multi-episode series available on the Scientific Rebel podcast and on the Scientific Rebel.com website.